Hand Roll Tokyo




浅草観光 秋の楽しみ方

Asakusa sightseeing: How to enjoy autumn


  1. 浅草寺と紅葉巡り
    浅草と言えば、まず思い浮かぶのは「浅草寺」。 なると浅草寺の境内や周辺の公園が紅葉で彩られ、特に夜のライトアップが美しいです。 浅草寺本堂から宝蔵門までの参道を歩くと、木々が赤や黄色に染まり、穏やかな秋の空気を感じながらの散策は心を癒してくれます。また、浅草寺の近くには「隅田公園」もあり、こちらも紅葉スポットとして人気です。 スカイツリーをバックに紅葉を楽しめるので、秋の散歩に最適です。
  2. 浅草の秋祭り「浅草酉の市」
    秋の浅草といえば、浅草神社で行われる「浅草酉の市」は消えません!この祭りは商売の繁盛を願って開催され、特に熊手を購入するために多くの人々が訪れます。並び、秋ならではの風情を感じながら縁起物を手に入れることができます。酉の市は11月の「酉の日」に行われ、浅草の街全体が賑わいに溢れます。 特に夜の参拝は提灯や照明りで幻想的な雰囲気に包まれ、歌いながらもしっとりとした秋の風情を感じられます。
  3. 季節限定の和菓子やスイーツ巡り
    浅草には、老舗の和菓子店やカフェが点在しております、秋限定のスイーツが多く登場します。 同じく、栗やかぼちゃを使った和菓子はこの季節ならではの味覚です。秋にはこれらに秋の素材を使った限定商品がございます。さらに、秋の散策途中で寄りたいカフェもおすすめです。伝統的な和カフェや、ちょっとモダンな雰囲気のお店で、温かい抹茶やお茶と一緒に甘いものを楽しむのも、肌寒い秋にはぴったりです。
  4. 隅田川クルーズで秋風を感じる
    浅草からは隅田川を周遊するクルーズ船も手伝ってます。 秋の澄んだ空気の中で、浅草や東京スカイツリー、そして川沿いの紅葉を船上から眺めるのは特別な体験です。ですが、秋の夕方から夜にかけて、夕焼けや夜景とともに楽しむクルーズもとてもおすすめです。
  5. 浅草の秋グルメを堪能する

浅草の秋は、歴史と伝統、そして自然とグルメが融合した贅沢な時間をお楽しみいただけます。紅葉の中を歩き、祭りの熱気に触れ、季節限定のスイーツを味わい、川辺でのんびりと秋風を感じる… …そんな豊かな時間を過ごし浅草で、ぜひ秋の魅力を満喫してください。次の週末には、秋の浅草へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか?

It’s finally getting cooler recently. Asakusa in autumn is an attractive place where you can enjoy the mild climate and colorful scenery. This area is full of Tokyo’s downtown atmosphere, and is full of autumn events and seasonal gourmet food. We will introduce recommended spots and experiences for you to enjoy.

1.Sensoji Temple and autumn leaves tour
When you think of Asakusa, the first thing that comes to mind is Sensoji Temple. At this time of year, the grounds of Sensoji Temple and the surrounding parks are colored with autumn leaves, and the illuminations at night are especially beautiful. As you walk along the approach from the main hall of Sensoji Temple to the Hozomon Gate, the trees turn red and yellow, and the gentle autumn air will soothe your soul. Additionally, there is Sumida Park near Sensoji Temple, which is also a popular spot for autumn leaves. It is perfect for an autumn walk as you can enjoy the autumn leaves with the Sky Tree in the background.

2.Asakusa’s autumn festival “Asakusa Tori no Ichi”
Speaking of Asakusa in autumn, the “Asakusa Tori no Ichi” held at Asakusa Shrine will never go away! This festival is held to pray for business prosperity, and many people come especially to buy rakes. You can line up and get lucky charms while feeling the unique autumn atmosphere. The Tori no Ichi is held on Tori Day in November, and the entire city of Asakusa is filled with excitement. Especially when you visit the shrine at night, the lanterns and lights create a magical atmosphere, and you can feel the gentle autumn atmosphere while singing.

3.Tour of seasonal Japanese sweets and sweets
Asakusa is dotted with long-established Japanese sweets shops and cafes, and many sweets are available only in autumn. Similarly, Japanese sweets made with chestnuts and pumpkins are a taste unique to this season. In autumn, we have limited edition products using autumn materials. We also recommend some cafes that you might want to stop by during your autumn stroll. Enjoying something sweet with warm matcha or green tea at a traditional Japanese cafe or a shop with a slightly modern atmosphere is perfect on a chilly autumn day.

4.Feel the autumn breeze on the Sumida River cruise
From Asakusa, we also help cruise ships that travel around the Sumida River. It is a special experience to see Asakusa, Tokyo Sky Tree, and the autumn leaves along the river from the boat in the clear autumn air. However, we also highly recommend taking a cruise from evening to night in autumn, where you can enjoy the sunset and night view.

5.Enjoy Asakusa’s autumn gourmet food
Autumn is said to be the season of good appetite, and Asakusa has many seasonal foods. For example, Asakusa’s tempura has an appealing autumn flavor made with seasonal seafood and vegetables. Our sushi rolls are perfect for the cooler months. The sushi rolls you can eat while sitting on the bench in front of the store while looking out at the Sky Tree are exquisite.

Autumn in Asakusa allows you to enjoy a luxurious time that combines history and tradition, nature and gourmet food. Walking among the autumn leaves, feeling the heat of the festival, tasting seasonal sweets, relaxing by the river and feeling the autumn breeze…please spend such a rich time in Asakusa and fully enjoy the charm of autumn. Why not visit Asakusa in autumn next weekend?




Info 店舗情報



Hand Roll Tokyo 浅草店
東京都台東区浅草1-12-6 1F